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Collaborate with @batikku.hk
🌱 Batik蠟染在印尼🇮🇩被視為最具有代表性的國服。早於2009年,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)將印尼蠟染列為世界無形文化遺產後。同年,印尼政府更將每年10月2日定為「印尼蠟染節」,在傳統的節日或重要的日子,印尼人亦會穿上蠟染服,可見Batik在當地備受重視。
導師Yunike Haskins,生長於印尼,機緣巧合下,在香港發展事業。她一直希望透過「蠟染」讓大家認識這獨特而傳統的手工藝品,將故鄉的文化遺產帶到不同的地方。
日期:29/6/2021 (二)
時間:6:30- 9:30 pm
地點:牛頭角 Lofter Prime
內容:製作一塊Batik (30×30 cm)
費用:$550 (已包括所有材料、工具🧰及順豐郵寄費用)
報名方法:IG/ Facebook DM 報名
🌱 🇮🇩 Batik is an ancient Indonesian art form made with wax-resist dyeing on fabric. It is a traditional method to place beautiful designs on fabric. It has been recognised by U

NESCO in 2009 as Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity from Indonesia. Since then, National Batik Day is celebrated annually on October 2nd. Nowadays, Indonesians would wear Batik in honor of this ancient tradition.
Come and experience the uniqueness of making Batik, from drawing your own design, to put some hot wax with Canting as a tool which then be colored by hands and sent back to your home 🏠.
Yunike Haskins will be the instructor of this workshop. Being born and raised in Indonesia, Yunike is eager to share the unique world of traditional hand-crafted Batik. Join this workshop to experience how to create your own personal Batik creations.❣️
Date: 29/6/2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30- 9:30 pm
Quota: 6 people
location: Lofter Prime, Ngau Tau Kok
Content: Create a Batik (30×30 cm)
Price: $550 (including all materials and SF delivery)
Registration: through IG/ Facebook message